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Showing posts from October, 2021

Daily Discussion Thread [October 31, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Daily Discussion Thread [October 30, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Weekend Sentiment on major US indices in the week ahead [October 30, 2021]

A weekly recurring poll of broad market sentiment and expectations in the week ahead. ​ Please also feel welcome to provide comments supporting your vote. It will be really interesting to see how the price moves and world events along a timeline influence the general sentiment and how this changes as we make new highs/lows and perhaps as more people come. ​ Voting runs for one day. Starting from now. View Poll via reddit

Weekend Sentiment on major crypto token in the week ahead [October 30, 2021]

A weekly recurring poll of broad market sentiment and expectations in the week ahead. ​ Please also feel welcome to provide comments supporting your vote. It will be really interesting to see how the price moves and world events along a timeline influence the general sentiment and how this changes as we make new highs/lows and perhaps as more people come. ​ Voting runs for one day. Starting from now. View Poll via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [October 29, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Daily Discussion Thread [October 28, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan

Come gather 'round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you is worth savin' And you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin' Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again And don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin' For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin' Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled The battle outside ragin' Will soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin' Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can

SPY call credit spreads 28th October 2021

3rd November 2021 Entry 456.70 Long 467 Short 460 Net credit 113 .Maximum loss. 587. 3rd November 2021 via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [October 27, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

High RR trades

Trades here will be targeting high RR. These will typically be day trading stop entries but profitable trades may run for a while (Ideally). All trades can be tracked here. It is important to read the linked info posts to understand the goals of the strategies used. via reddit

TSLA shorts

As I said on the initial run to 1,000 TLSA is set to become my largest short. Building up common short and calls short. Too early for puts. 5th Nov Short 1,110 Long 1,075 Net credit $920. Net risk $2,500 ​ Common short: Short 1,060 Stop 1,120 Target 760 ​ ​ via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [October 26, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Areas of tolerance / variances into highs

Just a friendly reminder of what I said would be realistic to expect from us into highs 7 months ago. Realistic expectations of analysis posted : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

Contradictions in things perma-bulls say to bears.

I find the contradictions in things perma-bulls say to bears to be very interesting. It shows how strong the belief in a forever bull and perhaps how unquestioned they are. ​ You'll be right eventually But this is their whole plan. The entire concept of buy and hold is to be right eventually. When you speak about market risk people say, "I'm in it for the long-term". ​ Adding to losers When a bear does it it's called dumb, gambling and reckless. But on the bull side this is DCA and it's regarded as optimal strategy. If a bear gets stopped out and shorts higher they're running an optimised version of the strategy bulls tend to deem as optimal. ​ Can't imagine/admit you're wrong But it's their whole plan. Not only do they see no way they'll be wrong now but they firmly state if there's evidence they are wrong (Falling markets) they'll ignore this because it will be right eventually. ​ You can't predict the future But

TSLA butterfly

Probably going to become my biggest position being short calls on this over the coming day or two. via reddit

Types of money management strategies used in day trades

Here's some info about position structures and strategy goals in day trading strategies. Day trading strategies are based on perceived statistical edges. Not "Being right/wrong" on any given trade. Losing trades are not "Taboo" in these day trading strategies. They are factored into the strategies. Please find info on this below. Day trading analysis/trades will be tagged with the applicable strategy type to make sure people are aware of the goals of the strategy, short and longer term expectancy of it and the money management we think is best suited for each. ----- Laddered entries and stop losses (LE) Laddered entries are intended to give the potential to profit in reversals with a reasonable probability of recovering losses over a set of 3 - 5 trades. The aim is to give a possibility of making good profit while maintaining a probability of breaking even or containing losses so as to be very small overall. Laddered entries will define an overall inflecti

Daily Discussion Thread [October 25, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Types of trading risk: Price risk vrs information risk

When taking a trading position we have two different types of risk; ​ Information risk - Having less information but getting compensated by a better price. Price risk - Having more information but paying a worse price for it. ​ Whichever one of these best suits you will tend to heavily skew how you look at risks and opportunities in the market. Let's look more into what they mean. ​ We'll use a hypothetical example of wanting to short a stock in the $100 area. When we decide we want to do this we have a few ways we can go about planning how, when and why we'll get into the trade. We can either opt for aiming to get the best price (Short highest) or to look to get more information to tell us if the trade is likely to work before entering, but often having to short lower. Let's say we've gotten the reversal level correct and the move is going to form something like this.

Daily Discussion Thread [October 24, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

One last try on this - Do you want to discuss it like adults?

Tried various times to do this, and this is the last time. ​ Do you want to talk about it? I'm presenting probabilities based models and they're succeeding with about the hit rate I forecast they will. So, what is the problem? Is it disputed that we're hitting net profitable swings over a sample size? Does anyone dispute the overall success rate on BTC was 70%? Does anyone dispute I said what would make me wrong and then updated on that when I was wrong? Those of you who talk about how I've "Been wrong since 2019" - do you dispute that I was also correct on 70% of the swings (All the big ones), that I presented a plan and followed that plan. Never said anything was certain - and certainly said when I was wrong. Do you guys wanting to come here and fight dispute these points? These can be easily proven, so either dispute them and we'll put forward t

Content plans update heading into the new week

Okay, folks. Here's how things will be moving forward. ​ When asked, it was collectively voted you'd prefer less content for free than more monetized. As an experiment a couple weeks ago we set up some things to auto-post to other parts of the internet. Built up some followings there and when presented with the exact same info and proposal they've voted almost the polar opposite of here. So what I'm going to do is re-purpose some of the things I've done here and design an ongoing process for content generation. I'm going to monetize it via a few different methods and that's going to facilitate a higher standard of work (And for those of you who do not think things are better when paid for, grow up! TV used to be free, and it sucked! Netflix fixed that - scammers). I won't talk about any of the things we're doing elsewhere here. Won't promote any of the services we'll set up. We'll just set up some sales funnels and run paid ads (Whic

I don't have to "Admit" when I am wrong.

I can just say I was wrong. When I write the original plans, I say upfront the things that make me right/wrong. My estimation of the odds and my estimation of my probabilities. Why I expect this to be net profitable and what I plan to do if this is not what happens. I've tended to notice those who insist I "Admit" I was wrong never seem to want to talk about things they are wrong about. There's often clues in the lexical choice people use. I can just state when I am wrong, but for you it's an admittance. Just an observation. via reddit

BTC update with some edu

Scaled up long position into 60K and still targeting 65K. On my bigger accounts now I am leveraged about 5:1. Meaning if the BTC move up happens I'll gain the same as being long low to high - which was always the intention, if there's a clear opportunity leverage up into the higher probability opportunity and secure a profitable round trip. Patience is a virtue. via reddit

24th October: BTC up date

4*'d my long position. Think we're setting up for a parabolic retest of the high. Catching the 10% jump on this lot size would more than cover all the losses in the time I was wrong (And stopped out for less than 100% of the upswing). Break under the last low and I am out of the longs. via reddit

BTC swing analysis update.

Long to 65K above the last lows with a plan to rebuild a short position into 65K. Ideally looking for a parabolic move up to fill my short orders. via reddit

If you want videos transcribed

Videos will be the main way things are done now. Writing a post, marking up charts, adding in images and then source linking all related materials took 20 - 30 mins a post, videos take under 5. If you want videos transcribed, this costs me $2 per audio minute. Sign up to send me a dollar or few a week/month and I'll put whatever I get towards covering that. If there's enough for it all, all of it will be done. If not, I'll pick out the important ones. Or, it's the weird Scottish accent. That's just how we talk here. via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [October 23, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

BTC swings correct vrs incorrect post trade plan analysis.

Early into the high. Caught almost all first fall and first bounce. Caught all of 50% drop. First 10% of correction correct. Intermediately right/wrong into the rally. Full drop caught with buy into the low. Wrong during rally up to 58K. Right in bullish bias 58K - 63K. Wrong during spike high. ​ Wrong for 41K of price swings. Right for 95K of price swings. Report on end of trade plan: Out of 136K of swings 95K were correctly forecast. 69.8% success rate. via reddit

BTC swing trades: 23rd October

Locked in some profit. Reduced short exposure. Added in some ways to make money from a long move. Added in ways to make money shorting into the market higher. Current bias is bullish to my sell limits while the market holds above my buy stop loss. via reddit

Weekend Sentiment on major US indices in the week ahead [October 23, 2021]

A weekly recurring poll of broad market sentiment and expectations in the week ahead. ​ Please also feel welcome to provide comments supporting your vote. It will be really interesting to see how the price moves and world events along a timeline influence the general sentiment and how this changes as we make new highs/lows and perhaps as more people come. ​ Voting runs for one day. Starting from now. View Poll via reddit

Weekend Sentiment on major crypto token in the week ahead [October 23, 2021]

A weekly recurring poll of broad market sentiment and expectations in the week ahead. ​ Please also feel welcome to provide comments supporting your vote. It will be really interesting to see how the price moves and world events along a timeline influence the general sentiment and how this changes as we make new highs/lows and perhaps as more people come. ​ Voting runs for one day. Starting from now. View Poll via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [October 22, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

SPX trades 22nd October 3

Following from Again!!!! 18% win rate and $- 1,500 (2R) via reddit

SPX trade 22nd October 2021

Net result - $1,550 ​ By the way, I'm just presenting bearish levels plans here. The bull trade plan written at the weekend was a far better one for the recent days, but we've voted to not have updates on this. SPX Rounded Trade Plan - via reddit

We'll call the vote now.

It's 5:1 and if that landslides at this point it will just be because the market moves - and there's a reason these things get asked when markets are high. Less for free or multiple hours a day monetized? : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [October 21, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

30 mins/day schedule

Update on what this looks like if we're doing 30 mins a day Less for free or multiple hours a day monetized? : BeatTheBear ( ​ Currently this is strongly in favour of less for free. I think it's at about 12 to 2 and I voted on the 2 side just to see results (So thank you to that one single person). And this is inline with results I'd expect when picking this sort of timing to do something like this, which was purposefully selected. I waited to do this when I've been wrong. There's are two golden rules to this I've learned over the yrs sharing ideas with the public regarding trading (And it can be any position or market, it's all the same). ​ 1 - Promote risk awareness when the market is going your way. It avoids reduces the amount of people saying it's just an excuse. I always strive to do anything that could be regarded as "An excuse" when things are going as I said they would. 2 - Only do things that are contingent upon you

Daily Discussion Thread [October 20, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

BABA exit plan

Up about 25% from the buy point. Looking to exit 75% of my position into the next open and move stop loss to even on the other 25%. Fancy BABA for a bounce now. Down really hard. for NYSE:BABA by holeyprofit — TradingView via reddit

Less for free or multiple hours a day monetized?

Let's discuss. My stance on this is quite simple. Anything that does not disrupt my life and I do not have to pay for I'm happy to do free. If people think things that disrupt my life or I have to pay for should be free to them at my expense, this is unreasonable. This has always been my stance. Will always be my stance and I've said from very early on I am willing to do the things I chose to do at my cost and extra would cost. We've completed the body of work I said we'd do for free. It's taken 6 months of working every day - and we did do it all free. It's all posted publicly and openly. Nothing was put behind a pay-wall - I did not even stick it on a webpage with ads. This covers what I feel are my moral obligations to make me "Feel okay" if there's a crash and I do well. We're into extras and have been int

SPX trade 20th October video

I decided to do a series of short videos tracking intraday trades to show examples of the strategies and track net PL over high variance (Low expected win rate) strategies with positive RR skew. I'll probably only do this for a couple weeks but we'll do a lot of different examples during that time. We'll be using a dollar risk level typically in the $500 - $700 per trade range. Win rates fluctuate depending on condition and RR targeted, but they are expected to be somewhere in the 35 - 50% range most of the time and 65% when performing very well. In all cases various small stop outs are expected. These are part of the strategy. via reddit