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Showing posts from November, 2021

Have the parabolic booms in stocks/crypto made it more risky for new investors?

Do you think things like this are happening more than they used to? Are more people risking more than they can afford to lose in crypto and going further up the risk scale (More speculative projects) than they used to, like this ? Are people becoming more detached from realistic events in markets (Such as stocks selling off today upon the news from the Fed) because they think parabolic price moves is a natural state for the market and moves down are manipulation? Is there more peer pressure than there used to be to be exposed to market risk?

Most active day taking shorts for a while

Positioned for various swing shorts today. ​ Those of you who've followed us from early on will know I've always said 4700 was the area I'd be most interested in getting big into shorts. Possible catalysts (I don't trade news, but the market will not move without an excuse). Hyper strong USD moves (Something I've always said would hint towards the drop). Crazy wild expectations (Been like that for a while, but they're crazier now). Cocky bulls showing up here. via reddit

The Aussie broke

Following - AUDUSD looks like a daily break coming Things to know about Forex - Things to know about Forex : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

SPX update

Short filled. Target for this swing 4550. Expect a possible bounce from 4545 to just over 4600 and plan to short just over 4600 if we get there. via reddit

SPX updates

Stops trailed to 4680 on the short term trades. Targets on bulk of trades short term will hit if we drop to 4550. Updates after we see what happens 4550 (Or we see some failure to get there). via reddit


1.1288 Stop 1.13137 Target 1.11390 via reddit

BA rejecting. This might head to a new low.

Main issue with BA is it moves in gaps. Which makes it harder to have good risk control on, but this has now went through the 127. Typically where I'd expect to see buyers defending if this was going to rise. via reddit

SPX butterfly

Don't get much cleaner than that. Entry video via reddit

PSFE update

About $1 to go now to hit forecast. See here. PSFE - Strategy/concept testing : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

BTC bat

​ ​ ​ via reddit

Going deep OTM on options again

Feels like time to try some more big swing trades with deep OTMs. Please be sure to read this to understand the strategy for reducing the risk of deep OTMs, the scenarios in which it will lose, breakeven and do well. Understanding Market Bubbles: Improving Odds on Bearish Options Bets - via reddit

TSLA options

All options 21st Jan expiry. ​ Call spreads: Long 1200 Short 1175 Net cred 2,275 Max risk 3,225 -- Long 1200 Short 1175 Net cred 1,020 Max risk 1,480 ​ Puts Long 995 Cost 4,600 -- Long 820 Cost 1,375 -- Long 610 Cost 257 ​ Read this for options strategy info. Understanding Market Bubbles: Improving Odds on Bearish Options Bets - via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 29, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Flashback to 2019

Would have been around this time (Maybe just a little later) in 2019 this chart started to do the rounds. With people explaining how the market would not go down over 10% as a result of COVID (In 2019 the Fed letting the market drop over 10% was 'Literally impossible' by most public estimates). Maybe worth remembering, while we have everyone posting all about the reasons it can't go down this time. via reddit

BTC P/L Review vrs underlying

Stats tracked here BTC drawdown = Max 25% Net gain = - 20% ​ Trading drawdown = 10% Trading gain + 32% via reddit

BTC bubble update

Last post I said I thought we were here. Understanding Market Bubbles: Public Perception in Stages of an Economic Bubble - ​ While the chart looked like this. If we were, what should follow should be a strong sell off. A whipsaw move and then the crash. I think we're in the whipsaw Understanding Market Bubbles: Public Perception in Stages of an Economic Bubble - Notice the little bull candle. A crash will not happen in a day. vi

SPX short

Should have stuck with the original buy target. We're at it now. My bad. Anyway, this is the next short level Short 4669 Stop 4743.3 Target 4496.0 via reddit

Textbook bear market rally

Mostly chart porn. I am not trading this. Understanding the bear market rally Part 2 : BeatTheBear ( ​ And that's all it takes to bring in the optimism. Congratulations on surviving the Omicron bear market : CryptoCurrency ( via reddit

Buying Lira

I think this has settled down and is getting ready to boom. The case for buy and hold on the Lira : BeatTheBear ( ​ Long TRYJPY 8.82 Stop 7.30 Target 18 ​ Short GBPTRY 17.05 Stop 18.90 Target 10 ​ Short EURTRY 14.46 Stop 15.99 Target 8.50 via reddit

Waiting for the last dance: Jeremy Grantham

See full: The long, long bull market since 2009 has finally matured into a fully-fledged epic bubble. Featuring extreme overvaluation, explosive price increases, frenzied issuance, and hysterically speculative investor behavior, I believe this event will be recorded as one of the great bubbles of financial history, right along with the South Sea bubble, 1929, and 2000. These great bubbles are where fortunes are made and lost – and where investors truly prove their mettle. For positioning a portfolio to avoid the worst pain of a major bubble breaking is likely the most difficult part. Every career incentive in the industry and every fault of individual human psychology will work toward sucking investors in. But this bubble will burst in due time, no matter how hard the Fed tries to support it, with consequent damaging effects on the economy and on portfolios. Make no mistake – for the majority of investors today

New analysis layout

Working on some stuff that will make trade plans more forward looking and easier to understand. Will have these properly ready to go through the week. Here's NASDAQ trade plan to give an idea of what to expect from trade plans going forward.

NZDJPY short

Short 77.50 Stop 78.015 Target 77.20 ​ Simple continuation off 76 stuff. via reddit

Closing SPX longs

Closing longs from last week at 4630 We've now broken the 161 and rallied back to the 127. These can be precursors to the 161 breakout trade. We have confluence with this matching up with the 76 fib of the recent swing down. These can be common places for bear market rallies to end. Looking on the smaller charts there's the possible formation of the full bear market rally pattern. Understanding the bear market rally Part 2 : BeatTheBear ( I think we&

Short SPX

Short 4636 Stop 4656 Target 4566 Butterfly for entry/stop rules. Broader analysis here Closing SPX longs : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 28, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Daily Discussion Thread [November 27, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

AUDUSD looks set for a daily chart bear break

Stocks grabbed the headlines on Friday but we seen a lot of moves over various different markets. One of the most interesting is the possible AUDUSD break. I first flagged up this swing short in the Aussie about 8 months ago when we were trading 0.76250. We're down about 500 pips from there (Which is a big move in the FX markets). ​ Before: After: If we go through this level we have a 161 break in the downtrend and this can take us into a vicious fall into the 220 level.

BTC sell limits

Sell limit: 55570.56 Stop 57350.56 Target 53094.27 ​ Next swing down would complete a butterfly pattern ending in the zone given as the target while we traded around 60K Entry into completion of a bearish harmonic. I think we're now getting into the end of the swing down. We're in the false breakout section and heading into final move low. Understanding the bear market rally Part 2 : BeatTheBear ( Quite likely going to come in as a bull somewhere close to 49K. via reddit

It looks like Japan might break this time

Japan first hit the 161 of the 2020 drop in January. It's traded range-bound in this area since then. These 161 levels have historically picked out the approximate high points in most market tops. Our recent sell off has come right off the 161. In tops we often see small runs of the resistance levels and then perfect retests of these. Learn more about this here. Dropping in, we can also see this move has come off the 76 retracement. So while this has come with random news, this drop has come off a very foreseeable price level. During the fall of Friday we broke through the 161 which would typi

Tech head and shoulders

​ Picked up on this move in the first hour. I think that might have been our tech high : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

Optimised stock strategies: End of week 1

See first post here. Optimised Strategies: Stocks : BeatTheBear ( ​ Optimised for return: Stocks: Optimised for return Forex Trading System by Forex Trader HoleyProfit ( Trades: Gain mainly in TSLA short. Optimised for low DD: Stocks: Optimised for low drawdown Forex Trading System by Forex Trader HoleyProfit ( Trades: Gain mostly in TSLA short. Optimised for win rate: Stocks: Optimised for high win rate Forex Trading System by Fore

Weekend Sentiment on major US indices in the week ahead [November 27, 2021]

A weekly recurring poll of broad market sentiment and expectations in the week ahead. ​ Please also feel welcome to provide comments supporting your vote. It will be really interesting to see how the price moves and world events along a timeline influence the general sentiment and how this changes as we make new highs/lows and perhaps as more people come. ​ Voting runs for one day. Starting from now. View Poll via reddit

Weekend Sentiment on major crypto token in the week ahead [November 27, 2021]

A weekly recurring poll of broad market sentiment and expectations in the week ahead. ​ Please also feel welcome to provide comments supporting your vote. It will be really interesting to see how the price moves and world events along a timeline influence the general sentiment and how this changes as we make new highs/lows and perhaps as more people come. ​ Voting runs for one day. Starting from now. View Poll via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 26, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

I think we're into the "Subtle pop" stage in SPX

​ ​ Understanding Market Bubbles: Public Perception in Stages of an Economic Bubble - via reddit

SPX rejection off the local 161

That's the biggest candle we've seen for a while. No wicks. Full bar candle. Sold from open to close. Learn more about 161 tops Understanding Market Bubbles: The 161 Top Tendency - via reddit

Dow tumbles 900 points for worst day of year on fears of new Covid variant, S&P 500 drops 2%

U.S. stocks dropped sharply on Friday as a new Covid variant found in South Africa triggered a global shift away from risk assets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 905.04 points, or 2.53%, for its worst day of the year, closing at 34,899.34. The S&P 500 lost 2.27% to close at 4,594.62, while the Nasdaq Composite slipped 2.23% to finish at 15,491.66. The Dow was down more than 1,000 points at session lows. Dow tumbles 900 points for worst day of year on fears of new Covid variant, S&P 500 drops 2% ( via reddit

TLDR of updates

Will be exiting most of my shorts into the next bear breakouts. I think the moves down are important ones and may set up larger falls but we're very extended in these current falls and I think we're due to see some sort of bullish moves if we see most fast bear breakouts. We're heading into big support levels soon over various assets. A clean break of these big levels would be uncommon. Typically if we're heading lower we'll see some sort of bear market rally and then the trade will come. ​ Current plans: Exit shorts into the next break lows and stop losses are all trailed to exit if there are rallies Wait and see how prices react to the major supports If big break of these plan for retest/continuation trades If supports look good pick up long trades in double bottom types of moves via reddit

BTC shorts update

Near exit points on BTC shorts. Stops now trailed to be just a little above current market price. Will be offloading positions in between 51 - 53K in we keep dropping. Possibly going to go long if there's a sharp break of about 50K and this looks suspect for a false breakout. I think we might be into the final throws of this drop. Updates around 49-50K or if we rally. via reddit

SPX shorts update

Trailing all stops close to the current price. We've now hit the support levels for this swing. Waiting to see what happens around these levels to plan next trades. via reddit

TSLA short update

Stop trailed and target will hit into the next break low if it comes. Still hold swing shorts on this. I still think this is going much lower and am just locking in some profits on shorter term trades with plans to enter them again once I see price reactions to levels. via reddit

AAPL short update

Hit some targets on this and moved stops to small losses. Covered some different options of stop trailing in the video. via reddit

When was the last time DFV used the term "Short squeeze"?

There used to be two types of traders who knew about short squeezes. Hardcore momentum followers who'd position for possible squeeze moves, and people who short and understand there's the risk of a blow off move against you ("The market is squeezing us"). It was never in the public lexicon. This changed to small extend with the TSLA move of 2019. There was some media attention to the shorts being squeezed in TSLA. Of course it hit mainstream after DFV was correct on the GME move. I'm curious, does anyone know the last time DFV actually used this term? Would I be right in saying he's not used it since GME was under $50? That's the last reference I can find. Looking through Reddit history, I can not find any mention of it within the last 2 years - here was the last one . via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 25, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

IQ test stuff

A friend and I did some IQ tests (So I could find out how much dumber I am than they are, they're not quite MENSA level - but they're a smarty). ​ They won (Easily), but it was interesting to see where I scored highest. If these are to be trusted (IDK if they are, I'm probably just spending money on nonsense) - I have "Remarkable" performance in visual perception and score "higher than 99%" of people in analytical thinking. ​ ​ via reddit

Getting rich off Bitcoin

People talk a lot about how you can get rich off Bitcoin. Realistically, it's been many years since buying BTCUSD offered a chance to make very serious money. ​ The one I see most often is, "If you'd bought the high in 2017 and rode out the down move you'd be rich right now". No, you'd not. Unless you were 1/3 of the way to rich before and will to risk 90% of that. Go from being 1/3 rich to borderline poor and then finally getting all the way to rich. Even buying into the lows of the previous mega crash would have made 1,000% return (Which is a lot, but not enough to make most people significantly wealthy). People speak about BTC as if the opportunity to make 100 times your money is there in the same way it was when it went from $1 to $100. But for this to happen today, the price of a single Bitcoin would have to be $57 million in the future. I think the idea of "Becoming wealthy" through small BTC investments and super high gains mow exists most

SPX swing analysis review/recap

We currently trade in around the long-term swing inflection area of 47XX. This has been the estimated upper end of areas to short from since the outset (First mentioned over 6 months ago) and we've alluded to this area various times since then. via reddit

BTC short

Entry 58,900 Stop 612809.00 Target 51599.00 ​ ​ via reddit

TSLA 76 retracement rejection

​ Might be the end of the first correction. via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 24, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Cathy Wood's plans to short major stocks.

I did not think me and Cathy had so much in common. “We think the benchmarks are where the big risks are long term, because they are filling up with value traps — those companies that have done very well historically but are going to be disintermediated and disrupted by the massive amount of innovation that’s taking place,” Wood said. “What we would be doing is shorting stocks that are in the big benchmarks and when we get into a risk-off situation, what happens is portfolio managers and analysts generally run back to those stocks, get closer to their benchmarks and they dump our stocks, which are either small parts of benchmarks or not in benchmarks,” she said. “Great opportunity for us, as we have experienced during these last few days, to pick up those stocks because it’s simply a risk-off move to get closer to benchmarks.” Cathie Wood says her firm is testing more aggressive strategy: 'Ark on steroids' ( via reddit


​ via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 23, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Big BTC butterfly update

We've gotten to the 127. If there's a clear break of the 127, we're probably in a bear market. ​ Characteristics we see in butterfly tops; D leg is parabolic D leg is a tiny spike out of previous high Rejection of D leg is clean and strong via reddit

Stocks under $400

I'm putting together some strategy plans for ongoing stuff. I'm trying to work out ways to make position sizing commensurate to desired risk on smaller accounts who do not have the flexibility in position sizing we have with CFDs (US regs people, mainly. The rest of you have a host of good options). ​ Choices are limited to assets I have CFDs readily available for. See below. ​ Any preferences? via reddit

SPX's 76% retracement

Basic bearish Elliot wave structure for SP:SPX by holeyprofit — TradingView via reddit

Shorting BTC

Missed update on the retest. Some limit orders filled. Adding some more 58,200 Stop 60065.91 Target 51,600 via reddit

Long Lira

IC markets still do not have full liquidity on the Lira. Lira has "Close only" trading status. : BeatTheBear ( Which is preventing me doing what I wanna do but to the extent I can be, I am now long JPYTRY and short EURYTRY, GBPTRY and USDTRY. The case for buy and hold on the Lira : BeatTheBear ( ​ Stops are a couple percent above/below the last major highs. More updates when IC go back to full liquidity on this. They give no ETA, but mine is about 3 days. Prices should settle enough within a few trading days. via reddit

BTC makes 161 low

Little range. Sharp false break to the downside. Strong rally from 161. Consistent with a move into wave 5 of an elliot move Basic bearish Elliot wave structure for SP:SPX by holeyprofit — TradingView ​ If you're new here, this is a useful post for understanding this concept. Understanding the bear market rally Part 2 : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

31% win rate

​ ​ 2 swings required to recover/ATH after a persistent rally. None of them had to be a crash. See more info in links here Assorted crypto trades (Short only) : BeatTheBear ( via reddit

Daily Discussion Thread [November 21, 2021]

Find all analysis from the HoleyProfit team here --- MUST READ IF CONSIDERING ANALYSIS/SIGNALS POSTED Understanding Trading Signals (essential) Understanding Trading Signals: Risk:Reward and Win Rates – Understanding Trading Signals: Sizing Positions – Understanding Trading Signals: The Round Trip – ​ Market Tendencies (Essential) Market Tendencies: Looking for Edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Creating betting edges – Understanding Market Tendencies: Inflection Points – Understanding Market Tendencies: True Inflect – ​ Find other useful training materials here Training and Education Posts Listed by Category : HPedu ( ​ Discuss your own trading ideas/ positions here. Ask questions and chat with fellow members. Be nice to each other. The people posting analysis from the u/HoleyProfit profile are rarely the pe

Taking profit on bulk of short only position

Out most of my big trades in this now. Still have other small ones running for swing but will go for bigger trades again if we get a retracement. We might be close to a near term low. ​ Back to a high. 29% win rate. via reddit